Kubernetes is the platform many organizations are choosing to get DevOps capabilities and to manage containerized applications at scale in the cloud. Kubernetes is extremely capable, flexible and powerful, which means it can get complicated.
In my previous post Why is Kubernetes So Hard?, I shared our motivation for developing our own Kubernetes management platform, code-named "Harbor Pilot" to simplify management of applications in Kubernetes. Harbor Pilot helps developers:
- Run and manage apps in Kubernetes with minimal Kubernetes knowledge
- Easily provision and manage application dependencies (databases, utilities, etc.)
- Do 1 and 2 first and then learn Kubernetes as time and motivation permit
Apps, Environments and Deployments
Harbor Pilot displays apps in a simple grid presentation with a row for each application instance, a column for each environment and the deployments in the cells:

Visualize App Dependencies
Harbor Pilot includes a graphical dependency view that to visualize how apps relate to each other.

Deploy an App from the Catalog
You can deploy an app from the catalog with just a couple of clicks:

Start or Stop an App with One Click
You can start or stop an app with just one click. If the app has dependencies, Harbor Pilot will start those first and then start the app:

Apex Process Consultants: Making It Easier for You
Kubernetes – κυβερν?της, Greek for “helmsman” or “pilot” or “governor,” and the etymological root of cybernetics.
We will continue to investigate and develop capabilities for making Kubernetes easier to manage, including policy controls. We see a growing need for Kubernetes “companions” and “bonus goodies,” as InfoWorld calls them.
Stay tuned for continuous updates as we identify bottlenecks and opportunities. Our team is driven to share what we learn with you because when you know more, you make knowledge-based decisions. Call 947-282-6026 or contact Apex Process Consultants today.