Fast and Flexible Page Layouts with Rows and Columns
Flex Columns and Flex Rows in Apex Designer make laying out your pages fast and easy. They also give you control over scrolling of overflowing content, so you can get your pages looking just so.
Easy REST API Integration
This video shows how to connect to an external REST API and generate a business object automatically to handle the response data.
Design In Context with Live Edit
We're constantly evolving the user experience for Apex Designer, and we're excited to show off our latest creation - Design In Context with Live Edit.
Deploying an Apex Designer Application on DigitalOcean App Platform
The TL;DR is you can deploy your Apex Designer app to DigitalOcean App Platform in about 15 minutes - read on for the step-by-step instructions.
Effortless Batch Task Execution in Node.js
The Scheduled System Task library is a great example of an Apex Designer library. It packages a set of easy to use features that address real-world challenges and makes it easy to add them to any application.