
Digital Business Automation

Are you ready for a digital makeover?

Transformation stories are some of the most inspiring we tell. Magazines, books, movies, newspapers — they all tell stories about how people were able to make remarkable transformations that turned them from fat into athletes, brought them from poverty to riches, from obscurity to fame. What if you could transform your business — making it faster, leaner, more insightful, more effective?

Apex Process Consultants helps companies make transformations. For nearly a decade, our passionate and skilled team has been building solutions on powerful platforms from our partners at IBM. We are excited to talk about a new initiative from IBM called Digital Business Automation (DBA).

Digital Business Automation makes your company faster and more efficient using these powerful elements:

Business Process Management (BPM) — At Apex Process Consultants, we are experts at using IBM’s BPM to help companies automate processes and to give them deep insights into performance through customizable metrics. With its powerful task and process management, BPM can help turn your ideal business process into a fully functional web-based solution that tracks your company’s core functions from end to end.

Operational Decision Manager (ODM) — Business rules, regulations, laws, policies — it can be hard to ensure your company keeps up with the factors which govern your work. With ODM you can get those rules out of people’s heads and let them automate the decision making according to the very same rules. Best of all, it uses an easy to understand “English-like” language and your own business owners can update and manage the rules themselves! No more huge IT projects just because some new law passes or a new merger brings in new corporate guidance.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) — Automation is the key to improving efficiency. With RPA you can offload repetitive, swivel-seat type tasks to robotic-agents which accomplishes several things: It frees up your company’s brain power for more important cognitive tasks, it speeds up those tasks, and it scales without additional headcount. RPA agents are very configurable and can be built with a variety of intelligence levels for handling complicated use cases.

Content Management — Scanning, storing, and sharing documents while focusing on security, compliance and manageable visibility is the power of a content management system. While the paperless office appears to be a pipe-dream, there is no denying the transformative power of digital content management. Don’t drive back to the office for some forgotten print-out. Obtain it from your document repository and read it on your phone or tablet! Digital signatures, approval paths, optical-character recognition (OCR), creative collaboration — a good content management system is no longer optional. It’s a requirement.

These core products are targeted at transforming your business processes from end to end. At Apex we know you’ve already got systems in place and we can hook into those systems with a variety of integration options. Be faster. Be more efficient. Be more connected. As our friends at IBM like to say, “Let’s put smart to work!”

You can learn more about IBM’s initiative for DBA here, and we’ve made a video series showing how we use some of these products which I’ll be writing about in a companion series of blog posts, which can be found here.

If want to learn how Apex can help your company experience a Digital Business Automation makeover, contact us at or (947) 282–6026.

Blake Smith

Blake Smith
