Knowing you are solving a real problem in a way that customers are willing to pay for is the only true path to success. Apex Designer is the low code platform for creating apps that are adaptable and user-friendly, maximizing initial traction for your MVP.
You can't afford to spend time and money rebuilding existing functionality for your minimum viable product. Apex Designer has templates and libraries for common capabilities, making it faster and cheaper than traditional software development methods. At the same time it is infinitely flexible to meet your business needs.
Our envisioning process leverages decades of design experience to help you zoom in on your product’s high value concepts. We’ll help you to focus on proving out the key ideas in your product that will make it a success.
Our platform and methodology lets our clients concentrate on user experiences and functionality rather than coding. This increases their business agility and enables them to rapidly develop new products and services.
No runtime lock-in: Your low code MVP app can run in any modern container environment. There are no runtime or per-user licensing fees. Also, there is no services lock-in: We can kick start your low code MVP application build and hand it over to your team at any point.
No design-time lock-in: Apex Designer generates clean source code that runs on an open-source stack. You can export the source code and continue in a traditional dev environment at any time.
C3GROUPS is a successful event planning business in the meetings and conventions industry. Frustrated with existing solutions, they wanted to build a new technology platorm for their business, but had no technical resources on their team. Apex delivered a low code MVP for C3GROUPS, and continues to expand its capabilities after delivering several successful customer events.
... an OpenAI Assistant to search through the information on an Envisioning Studio site and help users to understanding the content.
How to scope your MVP, advantages and disadvantages of low code development platforms and how to pick a low-code platform.
We talk to Wayne Daniels, President of C3GROUPS about envisioning and building a new event management platform.
It’s our hope that with this new website design, you’ll able to understand our skills and capabilities more clearly and gain access to our products and offerings more easily.