
New Market Segments: Winning Customers with Prototypes

Photo by Luis Villasmil / Unsplash


  • Customer: VPay
  • Industry: Financial
  • Challenge: Develop a new solution in a new market for mobile-friendly claims payment approvals
  • Solution: Envisioning-guided offering launch
  • Outcomes: New customer acquisition in new market, committed customers prior to development completion, IBM recognition at Think 2019


VPay identified an opportunity to modernize claims payments and better serve customers. VPay wanted to develop a new solution in a new market for mobile-friendly claims payment approvals to provide more payment options and faster payments. Apex brought this vision to life for VPay with an Envisioning project, leading to customers signing up for the new offering before it was even developed.

The Customer:

VPay provides seamless claim payment services. Their total payment solution makes billions of dollars in payments. Over 900,000 medical providers, auto body repair shops, policyholders, claimants, and members work with VPay. VPay acts on behalf of health plans, dental plans, third-party administrators, workers’ compensation and auto insurers.

VPay bypasses the antiquated check claim method and grants quick and safe electronic payments. VPay's fast and efficient process lowers processing costs and simplifies settlement.

The Challenge:

VPay presented an exciting challenge: help build a new offering to make the claims payment industry move faster in a more personalized way.

The world of claims payments hasn’t always been the fastest, easiest, or most customer-friendly. VPay recognized this gap in the customer experience of the claims payment world, and had a solution to fill that gap.

VPay aims to make the claims process as customer-friendly as possible. VPay wanted to develop a new solution to break into a new market for mobile-friendly claims payment approvals.

This potential new offering needed to give customers more choices on how they receive payments, as well as faster ways to receive payments.

The Apex Action:

VPay’s goal to build a new offering presented the perfect challenge for Apex’s Envisioneers. Apex Envisioning projects fully grasp clients’ ideas, wants, and needs. Then, Envisioning transforms them into clear, actionable plans to bring our customers’ visions to life.

In this case, our Envisioning project with VPay had two key elements to an exciting and rewarding project: an innovative idea and a blank slate.

What is Envisioning?

Envisioning blends discovery and planning processes. Our Envisioneers embed themselves in a business, its processes, its gaps, and its needs. Envisioneers employ design thinking exercises and business insight to facilitate solution design. Envisioning does the deep thinking of what your business needs to map your journey to a more innovative future with outcomes you can be proud of.

Our Envisioneers acted fast to help make VPay’s vision a reality. Apex facilitated Envisioning sessions to dive into the goals and processes of multiple key internal stakeholders.

Envisioneers worked with call center, sales, IT, and operations to get a comprehensive view of each group. By the end of these sessions, Apex had a full picture of what all key stakeholders needed.

Taking the knowledge gained from VPay’s stakeholders, Apex guided discussion of the design considerations. With a broad knowledge of VPay’s capabilities and needs for the new offering, we then made recommendations and implemented prototypes.

Apex and VPay both moved quickly. Within two weeks of the first Envisioning session, the VPay team was demonstrating the prototype solution to its potential clients.

Thanks to these early offering demonstrations, VPay received helpful feedback from potential clients. VPay used this opportunity as a means of receiving real-time feedback to optimize the prototype. The feedback from the initial demonstrations got incorporated into the prototype and presented back to potential clients.

The Solution:

Apex and VPay progressed from idea to a prototype that was presented to customers within two weeks.

Together, Apex and VPay strategically built out the new offering. This offering personalized and sped up the customer experience by expanding insurers’ digital and mobile-friendly capabilities.

The Results:

VPay hit the ground running by demonstrating their new offering prototype. These demonstrations paid off. Because of these successful presentations, VPay signed up two new customers before even completing the development of the production solution.

VPay’s idea and Apex’s Envisioning paid off. VPay reaped the following benefits as a result of the collaboration:

  • Gained customers in a new market vertical
  • Signed up two new customers prior to development completion
  • Recognized by IBM at the Think 2019 conference for the innovative use of IBM Digital Business Automation platform

Because of Apex Envisioning, VPay’s new offering moved from concept to in-demand offering in weeks.

Have an idea but want to bring it to life strategically to realize its full potential for your business? Talk to us and see how Apex can help!

Nick Laughton

Nick Laughton