
Welcome to

Photo by Matt Noble / Unsplash

At Apex, we’ve been busy working diligently on a special project and have some exciting news to share: our brand new website - is live! It’s our hope that with this new design, you’ll able to understand our skills and capabilities more clearly and gain access to our products and offerings more easily.

Where we started

When we started Apex more than 12 years ago, we were excited and inspired by BPM because it put the power of technology into the hands of business professionals. We have helped many such empowered teams to solve their own problems through streamlining and automating workflows in their organizations. And 12 years later, helping teams develop technology solutions to address their unique needs is still at the core of what we do, and more specifically, it’s what drives our Envisioning process.

From the very first Apex projects, we found that we could add the most value by helping teams to understand what their real problems were, and guiding them in envisioning solutions. Envisioning still offers the best bang for the buck in terms of providing the right environment and direction for a project.  

At the end of 2020, Founder and serial entrepreneur Betsy Atkins predicted in Forbes that Low Code will become the most disruptive trend of 2021, and undoubtedly, this couldn’t be closer to the truth. Even though Low Code has become one of the hottest trends in IT this year, we take pride in the fact that we’ve always been philosophically aligned with this software development approach, long before it became “a thing.”

Why the change?

As we worked with nearly 100 clients, we evolved our own tools and products with one objective: to make development of business software faster and easier. We expanded beyond BPM and learned the MEAN stack (Mongo, Express, Angular and Node). We developed expertise in cloud infrastructure as the fastest way to deploy the rapidly developed applications. We also embraced DevOps culture and tools. We developed our own Low Code platform, Apex Designer, and it has been used by us and our customers to deliver successful projects over the last 5 years ranging from mainframe modernization to MVPs for brand new products.  

In parallel with and enabled by our development evolution, we have improved our envisioning process, with more emphasis on rapid prototyping and technology selection. Now more than ever, envisioning represents a high return investment for any project, by implementing the agile principle of maximizing the amount of work not done.

Because we now work with so many different technologies and platforms it just didn't seem right to have "BPM" in our primary domain name. Simply put, the new name reflects our focus on our envisioning superpowers all of which brings us to where we are today.

What's staying the same?

Envisioning has always been vital to our business, we are evolving with Envision Apex to reflect that. Our envisioning process is proven across industries and lines of business to deliver value fast.

Our 12+ year passionate pursuit of Low Code technologies to enable faster and more efficient software development is ongoing, and we'll continue to develop new products to make your life easier.

We'll continue to focus on helping our customers (from startups to Fortune 500 enterprises) drive change in their organizations and deliver software projects and process automation more effectively. With our broader palette of tools, we're excited to help a wider range of businesses that represent different markets, industries and sectors.

We continue to invest in process automation. We are excited to announce the integration of Camunda Process Automation in Apex Designer, which makes the power of process automation accessible for even the smallest companies. Moreover, we'll also continue to support IBM customers; with our diverse and qualified team members, we have decades of combined experience.

As the IBM Cloud Pak for Automation remains the industry leading intelligent automation platform, we'll continue to maintain Apex Coach Views and other BAW toolkits. We have developed a version of our Apex Forms product specifically for IBM BAW. We'll also help IBM BPM/BAW customers migrate to new versions and to the Cloud Pak for Automation, and leverage new capabilities to get the most value from their investments.

Most importantly, we'll also make sure that working with our team is still fun and rewarding!

We hope that you’ll take our new website for a test drive. And if you’re ready for your own digital transformation to save costs and grow your business, contact us today!

Nick Laughton

Nick Laughton